How to pick back up Kanji studies

Hello, I completed WaniKani a long time ago (didn’t burn everything, just reached level 60) but after I graduated and got a job I stopped studying pretty much completely for a few years. I’m trying to pick up the pieces of my Japanese study but I don’t really know what to do about the kanji.

I’m not starting from zero, I looked through a list of kanji and I remember all of N5, 90% of N4, 50% of N3 and like 20% of N2 kanji, and barely any N1 kanji. I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how I should try to continue.

I can’t go back to WaniKani because my burned progress is all inaccurate now and I don’t really want to pay to renew my subscription. I do most of my kanji studies of my phone and don’t know if the anki mobile flash cards app is a good alternative.

If anyone has any advice or recommendations please let me know

1 comment
  1. There’s a deck in Anki that mimics Wanikani, you could use that. I’m using it to continue reviewing vocabulary that I’ve burned in WK.

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