Buying non-shitty furniture

Hey all

EDIT: while this is Japan specific, please ELI5; I would be lost doing this in my home country as well 🙂

We’re gonna be getting a bunk bed for the kids in the very near future and my wife is starting by looking at Rakuten. Everything looks…fine…but I wonder if anyone has a reliable cheat code beyond just “you get what you pay for”. What do y’all suggest? Nittori? IKEA? Daiso? That old guy in your shuraku who can make benches?

  1. I think trying furniture out first hand is essential. I’d never buy it online. Obvious question but have you tried local furniture shops?

  2. Nittori is decent for the price. I’m pretty happy with a couch and armchair I got there over a year ago.

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