Constant motorcycle/car racing noises, cops REFUSE to do anything, what do I do?

The noise appears to be from an area East if the big hospital in Ichikawa, Chiba. Every goddamn night from 9pm to 2am or later, the noise is constant. Sounds like a godddamn racetrack going all the time. Called the koban, they do nothing. Called the police, they refuse to do anything. This has gone on three years now. They are also rude, and start getting upset when a foreigner is calling as if that has anything to do with it. I suspect it is a biker gang, and worse, I am starting to wonder if the cops are somehow paid off to do nothing. Others in my area have complained so it isn’t just me either.

What the hell do I do? I am not in a position where I can just move. It is clear these fuckers are going damn fast and the noise is plenty loud and numerous. Any ideas at all? Japanese cops are just garbage so far. (Why on earth is the post marked as medical when I didn’t put that.)

  1. Well, that’s Chiba mate. I suggest buying some earplugs while you save up enough money to move to an area more civilized.

  2. The big hospital that’s right next to the C3 loop?

    Looking at the maps of the area and hospital locations most are right next to the highway. I can’t imagine why there would be road noise…

    Anyway have you considered a white noise generator? Perhaps ear plugs?

  3. Same thing for the bosuzoku here in Okinawa. Nightly extremely loud noise, making it very obvious where they are, yet police do nothing.

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