My bank’s suggesting reaching out to the restaurant to resolve getting double-charged for takeaway food. Honestly, I don’t think it would be easy considering the language barrier and the fact that I’m no longer in Japan but I just wanted to check on this subreddit.
So, two days ago I ordered takeaway food at an ethnic restaurant. The final total cost was supposed to be just $49.53 in USD but I saw that I got charged that amount twice (so, $99.06 USD total charge) in my bank transaction history so maybe this is all just an accident.
Unfortunately I only caught the double-charge literally the two hours before my flight departing Japan and even then the two charges were still pending. Today, both charges have now been posted.
It feels like a no-brainer to just dispute with my bank but I wanted to get some opinions. Should I be trying to resolve with the restaurant?
by losttmrw