afraid of the end

hi it’s currently fourth month since i’ve been living in japan as an exchange student.

which makes it exactly half of my exchange experience. i just started somewhat understanding daily japanese & finally found a way to study japanese. i’m genuinely so happy..

but the fact that i have to leave all my friends and host family in just the same period i’ve been here is so hard to bear with. i don’t know what to do it makes me so sad i don’t want it to end.

  1. Apply for all English teaching jobs right now.

    If you have IT skills, apply for them too.

    You need a visa to stay.

  2. Lots of people I did my exchange year with changed their student visa to a designated activities one and did an internship for 6 months.
    Shouldn’t be an issue.

  3. Don’t worry about what will be in four months. Enjoy the time that you have to the fullest. Or else you will be tangled up in CV writing, job interviews and visa bureaucracy and those months will turn into hell.

  4. Japan ain’t going anywhere. Come back out here a little more financially secured and prepared as opposed to applying to random teaching jobs and diving head in

  5. I was really sad when my study abroad program ended. I came back to work! The end of the program doesn’t mean it’s the end of your time here 🙂

  6. If you feel like you really want to be here, then go back, prepare yourself better, finish whatever you need to finish, and then try to come back here with a good plan, whether if it’s graduate school or a job. The good memories will serve as great motivation while preparing yourself.

    But mind you, we are all working very hard here, and that won’t change anywhere you go.

    Keep it up!

  7. Some things in life only last a limited time. The kind of things you should always cherish. It’s not about how much time you have left. It’s about how you spend your time that really matters. So try not worry so much about what’s ahead. Just focus on the present and make the most of your time. Japan isn’t going anywhere in the future. If you want to come back, you can always come back after your exchange.

  8. I know of various language schools that are short-staffed at the moment if you are looking for a way to stay. Probably not as fun a time as you’re having being an exchange student but a way to stay nonetheless! For most people working in Japan is really intense but hand on heart it’s easily the best decision I ever made.

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