14 Days in November Itinerary


I will be traveling with my significant other for two weeks in November of this year. We have been to Japan once before (1 month) and have seen most of the standard Tokyo/Kyoto/Hiroshima sights. We are most interested in food, natural sights, and unique places/experiences.

I am questioning where the Mt Koya stay should go, if at all. Additionally, trying to work out timing of Kyoto vs Osaka.

I’ve tried to schedule transit so we have no more than one long transit day ever two days, and build in low energy/chill days in between high exertion days. I’ve kept the days in Kyoto/Tokyo vague in case we feel tired/want to switch things around.

I also don‘t think it’s worth getting JR Passes for these routes, bad will plan on just using cards/purchasing passes as we go.

Am open to any critiques/comments!

Day 1 (Flight -> Tokyo)
– Arrive in afternoon
– Obtain SUICA crard/passes
– Check into Hotel and grab dinner in the area/pass out

Day 2-4 (Tokyo)
– Because of jetlag, will wake up early for first day or two.
– Tsukiji, teamlabs borderless, Asakusa, Akihabara, Shinjuku, onsens, gyoza museum, Senso-ji. National Museum of History/Science, Ueno Park, Golden Gai, additional temples/food/surrounding area as needed
– Potential day/half-day to Kamakura (ramen musuem)

Day 5 (Tokyo -> Takayama (Ryokan))
– Leave in morning, taking train via Nagoya to Takayama (~5 ½ hrs)
– Either spend time in Tokyo in morning or leave bags at train station and explore old town Takayama once there
– Ryokan pickup is at 16:20 (20 min from city)
– Dinner/experience at night

Day 6 (Takayama (Ryokan) -> Takayama (Hotel))
– In morning head into Takayama (20 min), leave bags at station or early check in
– Explore old town, eat at multiple places for Hida beef
– Possible trip to Hida old town
– Sake tour
– Shrine

Day 7 (Takayama -> Kanazawa)
– In morning take train to Kanazawa (~2 ½ hrs)
– Kenrouken Garden, Omicho Ichiba, Higashi Chaya-ga
– Craft activity in Higashi Chaya-ga (Accessory making, gold leaf chopsticks, confectionery)
– More sake experences?

Day 8 (Kanazawa)
– Do whatever was not hit the day before
– Lots of sushi/fish

Day 9 (Kanazawa -> Kyoto (Or just Kyoto?))
– Take Thunderbird to Kyoto in morning (~2hrs) (Alternatively, take train into Kyoto night before and only stay one day in Kanazawa)
– Lunch, temples, walking/biking (free bike rentals at hotel)

Day 10-11 (Kyoto)
– Inari Fushimi, bamboo forest, at least one temple, lots of food and biking
– Possible afternoon trip to Kobe for food?

Day 12 (Kyoto -> Mt Koya)
– Spend morning in Kyoto then travel to Mt Koya (3 hrs)
– Spend night in temple, dinner, breakfast, explore cemetary at night

Day 13 (Mt Koya -> Osaka)
– Travel from Mt Koya to Osaka (2 hrs)
– Food tourism, aquarium

Day 14 (Osaka -> Tokyo)
– Leave in morning, train to Tokyo (~2 ½ hrs)
– Spend day in Tokyo, by souvineers/last meals)

Day 15 (Fly out)
– Flight in late afternoon, get breakfast/lunch before heading out

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