Best in person class in nyc?

Howdy everyone, I’m entirely new to Japanese, and am interested in taking an introduction course to get started, looking for a structured class with homework and in person conversing. I’ve seen the Japan society has some but the general consensus is they just review the book without adding anything. Has anyone had a different experience with the in person classes? Or any other language schools recs?

  1. Not advice, but an observation:

    I think it’s going to depend more on the teacher and their experience more than the exact schools.

    In my experience, Japanese (nationality) teachers tend to adhere closer to the textbook no matter the subject; non-Japanese teachers may use the textbook more as a loose guide.

    If you’re looking for a more personally tailored experience rather than a something with a lot of people, you might want to consider private tutoring.

  2. I was in one of the higher level classes at Japan Society. There was no book. The teacher just picked some videos online each week (either current events or popular tv) and made work sheets with vocab/discussion topics. We spent the whole two hours discussing in an “open forum” format.

    Not sure how the lower level classes operate.

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