Best stain remover

Anyone know the best way to remove soy sauce and BBQ oil from clothing? I’ve washed the same item a few times but nothing, any hints or tips?

  1. I soak mine in a green liquid called ATTACK EX or something like that. It even gets blood out when I chop up people but you gotta get it soaked as soon as possible

  2. Oxiclean. Or えり袖 you can find it in the supermarket or drug stores. Usually used for getting rid of sweat stains.

  3. Amazon sells a line of really cheap import Dr. Beckman stain removals, I purchased the full line and find they work for me whenever a stain happens.

  4. A big sink of water with a scoop of OxyClean can work miracles with stains, BUT…

    If you’ve washed it a few times, you’re probably screwed. After laundering, stains set into the material and become more or less impossible to remove. If you’re removing stains, you really have to do it *before* you wash the item in question.

  5. If it’s synthetic, I have found clear dish soap to be the best for oil stains. But like someone said, if it has already been laundered, especially with heat, it’s probably not going to come out.

  6. What helps me every time is goal soap (Gallseife in German). It is available on amazon and looks like a green bar of soap. You have to rub it against the stain (it is recommended to use a brush, but just a bar is usually also fine) and leave it sit for 10 minutes, then rinse and wash it in the machine in a normal cycle.

    It also works against stains which do not go away after several washing cycles. Last time I had a huge stain from dropping oily yakitori on my favorite shorts. After washing them several times without success, I used the soap and the stain completely disappeared.

  7. If you’ve already washed it it’s kind of too late. Unless you can bleach it.

    Next time soak it in boiling milk for a minute and then wash it.

  8. This is what I usually do: first I rub in kitchen soap into the stain while the fabric is dry, wait for ten minutes and wash it off with warm water to remove the grease. Then I use color safe bleach like oxyclean to remove the stain.

  9. Vinegar and baking soda. Make it a paste consistency. Let it sit for 30 minutes. Scrub in COLD water.

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