Restaurant けいご

I've been working in a Japanese themed restaurant for over 10 years. Over the past 2 or so years I've tried to use Japanese with the Japanese customers when they rarely come in. I want to try get to a native sounding experience for them though as I've just been using 丁寧語。
I tried searching online but answer were quite varied so it's difficult to find what I'm looking for.

I do know some formal phrases such as おさげしてもよろしいですか。 To people living in Japan currently, what are the commonly used ways staff ask things such as 'are you ready to order', 'do you need X', 'would you like a drink with this' and so on.

I am aware they won't expect me to be speaking at such a high level, but it's good for my studying since I'll be actively using it, and besides, I think they would appreciate it. I know I do when I go abroad and people try to make it natural for me.

by Link2212

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