Typhoon 14

Typhoon 14 hasn’t even reached Kyushu yet but already quite strong winds here in Osaka. Am I correct to assume this is gonna be a bumpy ride? Hows the weather where you are? The bizarre thing is that the typhoon is taking a 90 degree turn East on Monday, exactly over Japan. Be careful I guess.

  1. The wind speed also has to do with the size of the typhoon. This typhoon is big, so its reach is far and wide.

  2. Wife’s worried because it’s apparently the strongest to hit mainland Japan since 1991. We are in a brand new house, in a suburban neighborhood outside of all flood and slide risks. I”m like infrastructure is better than 1991, building construction is better, we have a kitchen full of veggies, a drawer full of rice and noodles along with one of those one burner canned gas stoves, a bbq grill and about 20 liters of drinking water. We can easily last a week+ without power before I even start to worry.

  3. Man, if I had 100円 every time the Japanese news told me to “prepare for the massive typhoon”, which then turned out to be nowhere near as bad.

    ..I’d have about 800円

  4. I don’t see any newly tapped windows in Tokyo so people aren’t as worried as that big one a few years ago where nearly half the houses in my neighborhood has stupid Xs on their windows.

  5. I live in southern Kyushu, The sirens were going off and they’ve already sent out the evacuation orders for the entire city

  6. I just arrived in Tokyo (Shinjuku) last week, should I be worried and run to my nearest FamilyMart to hoard water and food ? Or will it be fine by the time it arrives near Tokyo?

  7. Light breeze started a couple of hours ago here in western Tokyo. The rain is supposed to start around 19:00, give or take. I might have to round up all my plant pots if it gets too windy… which is no easy task when I have like 40-50 of them and not many places to put them.

  8. Sat at Hakozaki Shrine in Fukuoka city right now. Theres a very nice low breeze going on. Stop being terrified.

  9. When the last big one hit, I lost all electricity and internet for a week. That being said all my food spoiled and I was fairly screwed. I had to drive out of my way to the next city over to grab what I needed.

    I’d rather they keep predicting a big one coming and nothing happening versus going through all that again. This time I’ve been keeping my fridge light until the typhoon season is over.

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