Most likely mortgage companies to approve loan for foreigner or someone in their 20s

I am currently looking for a mortgage company that is foreigner friendly and will approve a loan to someone in their 20s

I am part Japanese( have Japanese nationality) and am wanting to buy a place.
I have a place in mind however I am struggling to find a mortgage company that will approve me even though I have the financials in place.

Are there certain companies that have less rigid examinations when it comes to approving loans?

  1. If you’re 正社員 and hit their targets for income, you’re good. I don’t think Japaneseness will have a huge impact.

  2. Two methods that might help.

    1. Buy a house with a homemaker that can help you get approved for a loan.
    2. Look into getting a loan from ARUHIフラット35

    Both aren’t going to get you good interest rates, but you can try to renew with a different bank or financial institution in your 30s

  3. If you are not fluent in Japanese that may limit your choices, especially if you are trying to buy something without the help of a real estate agent. Also, real estate agents know how to tweak your loan application to meet the requirements of a particular bank.

  4. Just about any bank will approve you if you actually have “the financials in place”.

    That means being 正社員, making a high enough salary, and perhaps having a good enough down payment. If you’re not getting approved then it would seem that you might be missing one of those things.

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