Looking for online Japanese bookstores with free world-wide shipping option

What websites do you usually buy from? I’m specifically looking for free shipping (if not world-wide, at least to Italy) or cheaper prices in general.

  1. For textbooks I found [Verasia](https://verasia.eu/) to be the cheapest option in Europe, at least the last time I bought one. They also have an Italian website: [https://verasia.it/](https://verasia.it/)

    For physical Japanese literature I found the cheapest option is to use [amazon.co.jp](https://Amazon.co.jp) and buy multiple books in bulk, so that you only pay shipping once. But if you only want to buy individual books, the prices on Verasia are (compared to other options) not bad for that either.

    “Free shipping” usually only means that the shipping cost is already included in the product price.

  2. Free shipping is very hard to come by if not impossible.

    I’ve used both CDJapan and Amazon.jp, who generally benefit from ordering large amounts at a time so you spread the base shipping cost over more items, but there still is a cost per item.

    General advice is just to buy a bunch of stuff at a time rather than individual things to save what you can on shipping costs

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