Tokyo go-kart operator busted for renting to unlicensed tourists

Tokyo go-kart operator busted for renting to unlicensed tourists

by duke7ajm

  1. Can’t understand how those things are allowed on the roads in the first place, just a bad accident waiting to happen

  2. I don’t understand why people pay like ¥15,000 to be publicly humiliated, both locals and tourists laugh at you or watch in disgust while you drive around in silly costumes. The people in the carts are never smiling either

  3. I don’t wanna yuck someone else’s yum but I vehemently hate the go kart people irrationally.

  4. Nintendo could probably print money if they made a proper kart course somewhere that was licensed and featured characters and what not. Make a low speed course for kids and a high speed one for adults. Gets them off the streets and makes money! Win win.

  5. Honestly I’m pretty frickin’ surprised there’s not more morbidity and fatality from Shibuya and other go-karts on public roads.

    How does a car see these and stop in time?

  6. The go-karts fuckin suck but I don’t blame the tourist riding them. They don’t know any better and are just trying to have fun in their lame Donki costumes.

    It’s the fuckin company and owners that I’d like to see publicly shamed and forced to give their profits to something useful.

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