How much to exchange 2 weeks in Japan

Hello everyone!

I am currently exchanging money from GBP to JPY as the exchange rate is good.

I started June to exchange bit by bit as the yen was down, and now I have saved 158,344¥. How much do you think I should change for 17 days in Japan?

The flight is ready booked, and most of the accommodation paid for already, I am planning to take the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka and back and maybe from Osaka to Hiroshima (but is possible that I would take a cheaper train). Local trains from Osaka to Kyoto as well and probably using some capsule hotel if deciding to stay in a location for more than a day trip (bases are Osaka and Tokyo).

I am trying to stay in a mid-range between being on a budget to luxurious lol, I just want to eat a lot but trying to avoid tourist traps (I am trying my best to collect more info for this), and enjoy the experience!

I will probably buy a lot of anime stuff (in second hands stores), and skincare but I believe that once there I will go feral for anything.

What is the best range to be safe and exchange now that the pound is high?

Arigatou for anyone who would take the time to reply to me 🫶🙏🛐

by nemetrix_cos

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