how to pronounce the japanese ‘r’?

I try to follow instructions online, but it always comes out as an ‘l’. I also have no idea what a Spanish ‘r’ sounds like.

  1. As someone else said, it’s almost the same placement as the flapped “d” in English, like when you say “water”, for most people it’s not a t sound but more of a d sound. That’s really close to the correct sound. Anyway, it’s a bit further back than where most people do an l in English, but not so far back as an r.

  2. it’s kinda like your tongue musts briefly / quickly shake at the top of your mouth, that’s the only way i can think of explaining it

  3. I’m not really good enough at describing things to help you, but I hope you can figure it out! I got it on my first try because it’s the sound I’d make whenever I’d try to pronounce “rr” from the Spanish alphabet.

  4. Make the sound Ra, then make the sound La. Now try to combined the mouth position and make either the sound LRa or RLa. That is a short cut way.

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