What are/were your most stupid/obvious mistakes in Japanese that you kept making?

I'll give three examples which all occurred because I never bothered to look them up and just tried to use them from having heard it.

  1. I thought it was 〜て方がいい instead of 〜た方がいい (I still make this one here and there lmao)

  2. I thought 了解 (ryoukai) was pronounced 四回 (yonkai)

  3. I thought it was おまかせしました, not お待たせしました

by fjgwey

  1. It’s been years of living and working in corporate Japan and I still have to spend an extra second to make sure I don’t say 恐竜 (dinosaur) when I want to say 給料 (salary).

  2. I’m too afraid to make mistakes and develop bad habits. I study by reading and translating things from Japanese to English, not the other way around.

    Recently I started doing Bunpro and solidifying grammar bit by bit xd

  3. After over a year and over 1000 kanji, I still have to think a bit to recognize ソ ン and tell which is which., sometimes also with シ.

  4. Giving up for almost a full year… because I got frustrated with kanji.
    …my brother in christ, what were you expecting when starting to learn japanese?

  5. On a class trip in college my teacher told me to get everyone gathered up. I don’t remember why but I said 全員終了 instead of 全員集合 and my Japanese teacher burst out laughing. She thought I did it on purpose, but I just had a blank because I was so confused why she was laughing and she had to explain my mistake to me.

  6. Following up verbs with です when I’m using 丁寧語 like I’m bloody Karen from キンロ

  7. I still struggle to read ヲ fluently (katakana for を), because it’s so rarely used in what I’ve read so far. My brain just goes to ワ and I have to do a double take.

  8. I often mix up 勝利 and 処理

    So I’ll say something like “This function wins the PDF” when I want to say “This function processes the PDF.”

  9. saying くないでした instead of くなかったです. Stll happens to me sometimes lol.

  10. I used to make mistakes in connecting words together before I learnt how jp grammar properly works, eg “高いだから” “いいなんだ”

    Even after I learnt about 用言 and 体言 differences it took a long time to shake off the habit in speaking

  11. My current mistake as someone who lives here is constantly changing between 普通形 and ます形 between sentences while speaking because I tend to speak faster than I think.

    That and mentally trying to break the whole 翻訳 barrier that tosses my sentence structure from English thought to Japanese.

  12. 「シツンソ」and 「ウフワ」, I’ve been learning for years but I still need a second to think to remember which is which😭

  13. 液体 and 体液 are dangerously similar, but bring up drastically different imagery in someones head.

  14. Sometimes the small words like ‘o’ ‘wa’ ‘ka’ Ifind it hard typing Japanese on a smart phone but I am getting better at the grammar and sentence structure of Japanese 

  15. Well, last night I accidentally said サツマイモ instead of 専門 for reasons that are completely beyond me. So there’s that.

  16. Adding 「か」to the end of non-question sentences when speaking is a big one for me. It flows so well that my mouth says it automatically.

    Also, switching similar sounds. I’m dyslexic and it’s one of my main issues. For example, consistently mispronouncing 「静か」as「ちずか」instead of 「しずか」

  17. i mix up 選ぶ and 比べる a lot for some reason. ig they sound vaguely similiar but like ???

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