Joining Light Music Club at University?

Hi, I just recently came over here on study abroad.

My only real personal goal while I’m here is to play music with people and I was thinking that joining my university’s 軽音部 would be the best way to do that. I mostly play stuff that you need a band to be able to play and I do speak Japanese fine (you’ll have to take my word for that being true).

After looking at thier social media pages however I get the impression that most of their meetups and things like that happened near the start of the school year and now that I’ve arrived halfway through the year all the bands are already formed and it’s just going to be performances from now on, so I won’t get a chance to play or even practice with anyone. I don’t know if that’s just me catastrophizing or if that really is the case but that’s the impression I get.

Does anyone have any experience with doing something similar and if this is likely to work out at all? Or any alternative methods of getting in with music crowds? I’ve searched the issue on this board but most people have just said stand around in Shimokitazawa and Koenji and the advice ends there.

Thank you so much in advance for your help.

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