Brainstorm with me to optimize my kanji learning method

Thanks in advance for every advice. I will try to make it as short as possible.
After years of learning kanji (vocab) and switching up methods I feel like I have to switch up my method again but I'm not sure how since I feel like I have tried it all.
I will list my previous methods as well as the problems I saw with them.

I always did add just the word to anki, not the sentence. I noticed that I do NOT remember single kanji. Thats why I struggle now as well since I can't keep them in my brain. Reading sentences might raise my percentage but only because I will remember the context of the sentence and NOT the target word.
If the sentences changes I will not be able to read that word so I switched to just learning the words.

Current method:
– Going through a N5 to N1 vocab list
– adding the words I don't know to anki (6 new per day)
– I tried having chatgpt write a sentence for each word so that I can read that sentence every day as substitute learning besides anki but these sentences are super boring and I skipped it a lot

– I have a clear list and now where I stand and what I still have to learn

– I can't remember much

Learning besides that:
– I listen to 90 minutes of podcast every day
– Watching anime without subtitles

Previous method:
– Reading 3-5 NHK easy articles to mine the words for the week
– add these words to anki
– read all of these articles every day for that week

– good retention

– just a few new words per article which feels like a waste of time reading them again and again
– not a good crasp of where I stand overall in the JLPT vocab scale

Previous method:
– Watching an anime episode in Japanese with Japanese subtitles
– adding words that I don't know to anki
– listen to an audio recording of that episode every day for the time I study the words from that episode


– Retention rate was low
– words where very random

Previous method:
– Reading manga
– adding words that I don't know to anki


– Retention rate was low
– words where very random

Also I don't understand the concept of sentence mining or word mining in general. As I said I tried that but it did not work for me at all.
The words I encounter are super random most of the time and its not like they pop up again in that medium so my exposure to that word in the wild is very low.
If these words are super common then I will learn them anyways while reading stuff in general.
How is that better than just picking words from an excel sheet?

Are there "recommended" anki settings that are widely accepted?

by AdiDassler

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