How much to save for a year in Tokyo?

I am currently planning in the future to move to Japan for a year to study Japanese in a language school in Tokyo, and I was wondering how much I would need to save before going on the journey? I would like to live in a share house when I do go if that helps with gauging an estimate.

A side question I would like to ask is if foreign school students can work as English tutors on the side to make an income while in Japan?

1 comment
  1. >I was wondering how much I would need to save before going on the journey?

    Immigration wants to see around $15kUSD in liquid assets before they’ll grant you a student visa for a year. So that is probably your base line target. More is better.

    >if foreign school students can work as English tutors on the side to make an income while in Japan?

    You can request permission from immigration to engage in activities outside the scope of your status of residence. It’s basically a check box on the form when you arrive. You’ll get a stamp on your residence card that says you’re good to go. Then you can work up to 28 hours per week at pretty much any job you can get hired for (with a few restrictions).

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