How to combine Genji and KKLC

Hi guys, I hope I don’t pose a greatly repeated question but my situation is as follows: I’ve now studied the first two lessons of Genki 1 and I’ve only acquired (but never opened until now) KKLC. I see a lot of posts suggesting against the idea of studying kanji via Genki, and rather is preferred the idea of studying patiently all of Kanji as a big block of 2300 characters via KKLC.

Has anyone found themselves in my shoes in the past, and if so, how do you suggest I go on with my studying? How do you balance the two, meaning do you first learn all of Genki 1 and only after do you approach KKLC, or, idk let’s say in a week, you dedicate 3 days to Genki and 3 days to KKLC, something along those lines.

Thanks in advance.

1 comment
  1. Genki focuses on building the 4 skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing), of which kanji are a part. Genki teaches 327 kanji (and about 512 in Genki Kanji Look&Learn).

    I’m not versed in KKLC, but it sounds like the focus is mainly on kanji.

    Genki will build your skills in elementary-level Japanese in a balanced way, but you won’t learn as many kanji.

    KKLC will focus on kanji, which will allow you to read more material sooner, but it might not help you make sense of all the words (I don’t know how much grammar it focuses on).

    You can use them in tandem, but I think Genki is the better investment for right now.

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