Ryukyu flying foxes

Hi, i’m just wondering what all of ya’ll think of these megabats flying around. Are you creeped out? Amazed? Somewhere in between? Does anyone know what locals generally think about them? I’m super curious to see if there’s a range of reactions or maybe there’s a consensus happening

by homey-gnomey

  1. They are so cute and I love them. I think most people (except farmers maybe?) seem to have a positive relationship with them? I never heard any complaints.

  2. Fruit farmers hate them. Everyone else is kind of ambivalent unless you go to get a drink from a coin machine at night and it spookes the living shit out of you for a brief second. Noisy fuckers when they fight though. Harmless though.

  3. I love them but I do have a funny story of my first experience with them. When I got here the first time in 2014 I was just walking around Kadena at night because I was bored and wanted to get a lay of the land. I was walking towards gate 1 and I saw the silhouette of a large fruit on a very small tree, so I got closer to get a better look, and I bet you can guess, but the bat took off and scared the absolute dog shit out of me.

  4. Was walking back from konbini at night. One flew right over my head. Saw a big black shadow fly over me with a *whoosh* .. didn’t know what happened til a few seconds later.

    They woke me up too, two feckers hanging on a telephone wire beating the shite out of each other screaming their heads off.

    All in all they’re grand, unique and really cool!

  5. They are ok, you learn quickly which trees not to park under at night, lol. And when they do the fly-by poo bombs, that’s not cool.

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