Buying a Gaming PC in Tokyo

Hey guys, I just recently moved to West Tokyo and am looking to buy a pre-built gaming PC (I don’t want to build my own).
I just want to know which electronic stores and/or websites offer the best prices and also would love some general recommendations for decent PCs under 120k JPY. I know literally NOTHING about computers so am happy to just take a decent recommendation 🙂
Thanks for ya help!

  1. I promise If you make your own you’re going to get a get learning experience and get it for a better price, allows for so much customization!

  2. Location: Akihabara Electric Town

    Big Retail Stores: Yodobashi, BicCamera (Sofmap)

    PC Specialized Stores: Tsukumo, Dospara, PC Koubou, Ark PC

    The big ones will be more expensive. The specialized stores’ PC components vary in price quite a bit in each store, but since you want a whole package (pre-built from brands or BTO PC), the final prices are usually very close

    Personally, I don’t think this is a very good time to purchase a new gaming PC because the new generation of PC hardware is already imminent. But if you absolutely have to, just go to the stores and have them pick out the PC for you

  3. You can buy pre-built online. Like, on Lenovo website. Look for the legion series.

    Watch a YouTube review on the unit, if you are unsure of what to buy.

  4. GPU prices not as expensive as before now since Etherium Merge so this is perfect opportunity to build pc

  5. Other people recommend stuff, but if you want “pre-built” without the markup, if you have any friends in Tokyo who built their own, it might be worth asking them if they want to build a thing for you. So many people who build their own computers will basically do it for free

  6. Mouse PC (forgot their gaming brand) treated me well before I built my own. You can customize the ox to your wants/budget.

    Dospara is also decent.

    I know you don’t want to build, but you will almost never get the same value as building it.

  7. You said West Tokyo, where exactly? There is a Pasokon-kobo and a Dospara in Hachioji that are right next to each other with some options for prebuilt PCs. 120k JPY might be a little to low due to the low performance yen. You’ll want to get something with an RTX 3060 at the very least to get your moneys worth.

    You could also build from used parts bought off mericari etc though you said you don’t want to build it yourself.

  8. You’re not getting a decent gaming PC for that price, especially pre-built. Honestly I’d recommend saving to around 180k-200k at least. You can save more money if you decide to learn how to build it yourself too.

  9. Dospara is good enough, but if you want to enjoy the experience building I can help for free since I have nothing to do until 26 Sept.

    Also in west tokyo (like really west).

  10. Hey buddy. I’m gonna be building another PC for the house soon.

    Happy to offer you some advice.

    Good time to buy now with the GPU prices coming down significantly.

    When you said 120k, does that include monitor?

  11. I’m with you, know really next to nothing. I ended up getting an Omen from HP’s website in a golden week sale. I’m very happy with it!

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