How long would it take me to learn Japanese if..

How long would it take me to learn Japanese if I’m already a fluent Korean speaker? I’m already good at Japanese pronunciation since the pronunciations are really alike, and I’m curious if the conjugations/where you put words are the same. Like 나는 피아노 좋아해요, 그래서 나는 피아니스트가 되고싶어요. (I like piano, so I want to become a pianist) exact words in English are “I piano like, so i pianist become want to” In Japanese (using translator) 私はピアノが好きなので、ピアニストになりたいです。In Japanese it also looks like “I piano like, so i pianist become want to” Is that the case for every sentence in Japanese, that the word placements are the same as it would be in Korean? Is all I have to learn vocabulary and how to read it?

by riceeater333

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