Tattooed Foreigner In Japan

Hi all,

I am considering working in Japan in the near future and would like to ask about what life is like with tattoos in Japan. I am a very pale, tall foreigner with tattoos on my right forearm. Will this affect me in many ways if I move there? I would be applying to work in the education sector also. Is there any tattooed foreigners that could fill me in or give me some information based off of personal experience?


  1. I work in education too…..and I have a tattoo on my right arm too…..

    Generally, I haven’t had any problems so far with work, as long as I keep it covered up so kids can’t see them, but it depends on:

    A) what you are teaching and

    B) who you are teaching……

    My only problems have been going to onsens……because my tatt is quite large….

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