Hi, I think I am dealing with a scammer based in Japan trying to get rid of people selling Japanese merchandise or doxxing people selling similar things

Quick explanation: I attend music shows and I travel around the globe frequently. I will be in Tokyo in 2025 for example, as well as going again to Mexico. Due to my hobbies I buy merchandise, and sometimes sell some of it – which is something I pay tax from, if I exceed limits that I am under, according to the law in the country where I live. Pretty normal stuff. I sell new things or used ones, from Japan or from Japanese bands attending EU or other countries – so all stuff I sell is legit.

What is my post about: Japan based person that is probably scamming people as well as more likely not paying any tax from whatever they seem to be selling.

Allow me to give my points, as I have plenty of the questions.

There is an immigrant woman living in Japan. She is selling some stuff from Japan on proxy-based way as well as claiming to working 2 jobs to maintain living in Japan. Some people has been scammed by that person, some people had been doing transactions with her via reddit, instagram or social media in general. That person is not selling to the people from outside of Japan via Ebay or via any other listing sales sites. That person outside of Japan does that only via social media. She uses paypal (does not generate invoices, just demands payment transfer) and is not providing any billing, any invoices, any ticket number for order. Just selling stuff, mentioning fees, sending it.

Some people claim to be scammed by her online (according to what I found). I have been attacked by that person (while I am not Japan based, but I pay taxes, generate invoices, anything outstanding is send to me over each year, and I pay it out, logical stuff) and accused. I have been also informed that "I became new victim" while many other people are being attacked by that person. Due to my research (related to my ex profession thing) and due to my contact with IT people I haven't found out this person keeps hiding their sale account or setting weird rules like "not being able to bring too many parcels to the post office in Japan as they state it will look weird". This sort of things and some other information that I got, made me think that either this is something illegal or either there must be no-tax-paid issue involved.

I asked privately one YouTuber related to live in Japan about special tax-free options in Japan and if it's possible. I received information that if someone outside of work received 30000 per year – it's tax free, and anything above that requires in japan business-registering and tax paying.

Which makes me think, that this person never claimed to run business related to their sales as well as never provides any info about running a company.

My questions are this then:

  • If I and some other people are suspicious of that immigrant making illegal sales and not paying taxes, do we report this?

  • If I experience bullying online from that person, for no reason (clearly I never had any interactions with that person, expect for some private message where they were pretending to buying some of my old merch and decided to attack me, so I blocked them) as I live my life, which qualifies at this point as cyberbullying (I keep receiving posts which are looking like doxxing evidence and encouraging people online to hate me) where I report it since that person is Japan based?

  • According to my info and what I was told today about, that person comes from Chile, if there has to be any report, do I report things to some Chile based institution? or to Japanese related? Or stick to my local government institutions?

  • If anybody assumes that someone based in Japan is not paying tax, where these things are being reported according to japanese law protocol? Especially if reported by someone not-Japan-based?

I terribly apologise for the structure of this post and thread, however I am dealing with serious matter. I spoken to some Japanese people Europe based with minimal tax knowledge and they clearly stated that this may be reported by Japanese people. I did not received any further information that that.

Any info is more than welcome and any lecture sources and right article covering this topic are more than welcome as well. Thank you for your patience.

by Murasakimo

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