Got stung by chopstick spikes, and now it’s under my skin. What do?

So I was eating out on Friday and since the chopsticks didn’t split evenly and had a lot of spikes on them, I tried to clean them off by rubbing the two chopsticks against each other as usual. I wasnt so careful and got stung by one of those little spikes, and didn’t realize at the time a small portion remained under my skin.

I didn’t notice any pain yesterday, but today it hurt for only a few moments and it’s honestly not bothering at all, but I then shined a flash light and saw the spike underneath my skin. I couldn’t get it out with the tools I had, and I wonder if I should see a doctor. If so, what kind of doctor should I see? A 外科医? Or should I go to one of those smaller clinics? I am new to Japan and not very sure about seeing a doctor here, but I can speak some Japanese, at least I am able to describe my situations and symptoms, if that helps too. Any advice would help, thanks in advance!

P.S. I think it’s time for me to get one of those bento chopsticks to carry around with me.

  1. Sorry, silly question but why do you have to remove it?

    Sometimes your body will just work it out by itself, and sometimes the splinter will just disintegrate naturally. I suspect digging around with a needle carries a higher risk of damage/infection than just ignoring it, especially if it’s not hurting you.

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