How did you learn Japanese today?

Did you study? With what? For how long? Did you watch or read something? A book? A manga? A movie? An anime? The news perhaps? Or maybe browser social media? Etc.

I think it’d be nice for everyone to get to know each other better and discuss their studying routines 🙂

  1. I spent about 15 minutes doing my Wanikani reviews.

    Now I am currently studying with my beginner textbook (it’s called “Pons Power-Sprachkurs Japanisch”), and I’ve been at it for around 30 minutes maybe.

  2. I’ll put my routine for today, which is very unsustainable

    I woke up and did my grammar review on Bunpro ~80 review in the start of the day and 67 after that for today

    I did all my reviews of Memrise which were around 250 cards for today

    I had some gaps in my N5 vocabulary so I created new 150 cards, I knew a lot of the vocab by immersion, But thought it’d be helpful if someone is using my Memrise course

    I also studied my daily 20 new vocab for N3, I’d not specifically studying for JLPT, But I find it like a nice way to build a foundation

    Other than that I’ve been watching an anime called K-on, And by watching I mean reviewing every sentence 10 times at least because my listening is really bad


    It’s definitely a lot of memorization, I’d not suggest that to anyone, But since I’m going to have a limited time soon, I’m trying to make a big push to start with immersion after that

  3. I went and spent three hours doing the final practical exam after completing the 450 hour course for the certification 介護福祉士実務者研修. Does that count?

  4. Spent about 45 minutes on Duolingo, 15 on Drops, 45 on WaniKani, and about to do another 45 on BunPro. I also have a list of like 5000 sentences to read and translate, but I haven’t managed to work that into the routine. Same for the shows I’ve added to my Netflix to watch without subtitles.

  5. As soon as the caffeine kicks in I’m going to hit the Anki reviews.

    Then Genki 2.

    Coming off of a hiatus so gotta dust off cobwebs

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