Trying to figure out how to make this work

For some context:

Hi! I’m 22 years old and I’ve been studying Japanese since 2015. I’m not anywhere near fluent (N3) but I’m wanting to move to make that possible. It’s quite impossible to keep ANY Japanese I learn due to never needing to use it aside from reading labels.. I’m not exactly too worried about this since I learn super fast. I plan to save a few thousand so I can live comfortably while also doing intensive studies.

I have a shiba inu I’ll be bringing.

I’m an artist & animator but I don’t want to even TOUCH that field of profession after hearing about the workforce and labor put into animation studios… Not to mention the wage… o_o

My dad wanted me to move to teach English, reminiscent of my uncle who moved to Venezuela to teach kids English.

My dad won’t allow me to transfer schools (Strictly put me on a “200 mile radius” meaning anything further than 200 miles away is 100% coming out of my pocket, I reside in Las Vegas, Nevada) so a student visa is out of question. My parents make way too much money for me to qualify for any sort of financial compensation so I’m not gonna bother.

He also recently told me he was gonna show me how to start working on English work visa stuff, then changed his mind last second and said I have to stay in the USA with him…….. So that being said what can I do in my position to do it anyways? I am no longer comfortable living in the states, and I’ve been wanting to move for years now anyways.

Thanks kindly.

1 comment
  1. So, English teaching in Japan is basically “Do you have a degree, then sure you get a job as an ALT” .. ALT though is not really teaching, its a classroom assistant role, and it pays poorly and is not designed as a long term career, its more designed as a 1 – few year break kinda job.

    Real teaching, well is mostly out of the question unless youre a fully qualified teacher and plan on working at an international school (which are fairly hard to get into due to limited positions).

    Ultimately, any pathway really requires a degree (unless you go as a student, but youre saying you cant). And any pathway also generally requires some experience in the role youre planning to go there as except of course ALT work.

    If you want to go for a few years as an ALT, just get a degree an go, if you want to move there more long term, honestly thing about what career path you want, get a degree, get some years of experience in that career path and then try moving there doing that.

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