Everyday Study

Hey guys, I was just wondering if I were to study Japanese everyday for 1-2 hours would you recommend breaking it up in to sections. For example like 30 minutes of kanji, 30 minutes of new vocab, etc?

  1. I always start my day with flashcards, right now broken up between Anki and JPDB (could probably do just JPDB, but I’m happy doing both for now). Then from there I just try and spend time using the language; usually takes the form of reading a book, watching a video, and pulling new words. I also do two hour-long classes a week (one of which with a lot of writing practice), and chat with a friend at least once a week.

    Depends on your goals, depends on your level. If you’re a beginner, I think your study time should look different from mine, same if you’re more advanced. I don’t think you need to be so rigid about timing, but good not to spend too much time “stuck” in any one thing.

  2. Most studies have shown that breaking your studying in to sections has a greater effect. That doesn’t necessarily have to be different categories, but breaking your studying in to 15/30 minute blocks with a 5 minute break can make you more effective.

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