Interac interview coming soon, any advice?

I’ll be doing my final interview soon and I wanted to ask if anyone had any good advice?

I’ve already been doing lots of practice and had good reception from my initial interview/demo video, just going over that last hump.

Update: I got in! 🙂

  1. Be enthusiastic, be flexible, be the one who answers all of the questions first. Remember your place as an alt, they are not interviewing for lead teachers. Let them know that you’re eager to participate in all school activities. If you’ve never been to japan, let them know that you are going to defer to all of the Japanese cultural norms. If you can express that you won’t be a liability for bailing on the company either when you find a new job or if you get home sick and run home, that would be good too.

    And to be honest, I don’t know when you’re applying to go, but I would not expect to go anytime soon. I’m one that applied towards the end of 2020 and I’m still waiting and I’ve been the definition of flexible. They said if I’m lucky I might get to go in the fall but it could take until spring of 2023. So I would not expect to go until fall 2023 to 2024.

  2. You have ONE MORE? I thought they had the one or two phone interviews, then the REAL interview (as in the demo, presentation, and person/virtual interview). After that LONG DAY, In thought that was it.

  3. Cancel the interview and find a better job. Working for companies like Interac only helps to keep wages low and benefits a dream in the English industry

  4. Don’t talk in a monotone voice, wear a smile, and look like you actually took a shower before the interview. Congrats you are hired!

  5. Check your pulse, if you have one – congratulations you got a job with one of the most exploitative companies in Japan.

  6. Good luck op. Apparently I’m the rare lucky person that had a good experience with interac. Have fun in Japan 🙂

  7. I mean, its not exactly hard to get hired by Interac. Just don’t be a creep and know how to dress yourself.

  8. Was hired back in 2020, after a two year wait I finally got shipped out to Sapporo. Honestly really loving it out here and despite the pay, it’s a sure fire way to get into the country and experience japan. The work itself isn’t hard and if you want to learn Japanese you will. Honestly way too many negative people on reddit, everyone’s experience will be different based on their personality. Go with a positive attitude and life will be chillen. In my opinion for a fresh out of college job, it’s a good gap year or two for the experience of traveling japan and Asia. Just do try and look for something better as time goes by if you get it.

  9. Word of warning, I’m already in Japan and after getting “hired” by Interac they lost the contract for my area less than a month before school started. Had I known how corrupt the ALT dispatch situation was beforehand, I would have been looking for jobs until the day I was actually teaching in an assigned school. In the end it worked out, because I joined another company and got placed in schools very close to my home. However, it caused me to go another month of time without pay and the hustle to find a job fast was really stressful.

  10. I worked for interac for 3 months. Got it through hello work in Japan. Did a grammar test in-person and was hired on the spot. I know I messed up some of the questions too, cause my grammar is shit.

    3 day in person training. I never had a bad experience per say during those 3 months, but the pay was garbage. Luckily it wasn’t during the summer time where they cut your pay due to no classes (no idea if they still do that or not).

    Only advice is look genki and say you have no problems driving in Japan. Any hard faced questions regarding disapline, say you will always go along with the JTE.

    They want people who are not going to create any waves.

  11. Imo interac is the best of the alt places. like they dont make u do some stupid project on ur at-home work days (days ur payed to stay home but be on call which they never actually call u). but its all luck of the draw, jr high or high school is mostly easy and elementary is tough.

  12. How long did it take you to hear back after initial application if you don’t mind me asking?

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