Is Japan a good place to move into at the current moment?

I’ve been offered the opportunity to study in Japan since the university I attend has another “part” in Japan. If I graduate there, I could get permission to stay and work there. Don’t know much about the details but I’ve just been told that the university would take care of it. I’ve been interested in Japan since forever because of the great technological advancements they have, but I don’t know about Japan as a country. Common problems I hear about: Work culture, people being fake, discrimination, birth rate, and horrible economy. Things like that. What would your opinion be on this? I am not in a rush and have years to consider but I’m quite interested in the topic.

  1. Op, what technological advancements? Japan does have some nifty technology but if you are moving for day-to-day tech, I have some bad news for you.

  2. They have these great new inventions called paper and the fax-machine. Maybe you’ve heard of them.

  3. >great technological advancements

    I mean, CRT TVs are still semi-common, business run using Fax machines and general Comp Sci is about 10 years behind the west at least… but yes they do have robot dinosaur hotel and some other great novelty tech.

    Honestly though, general tech is still something where you might feel like youre in the 90s, or hell even 80s .. but they do have some high tech stuff, its a very weird feeling where some places feel super old and then you walk into one place thats a lot more modern.

  4. If you have a good job and are an observant and patient person then yes it’s nice to live here, if you’re broke and expect everyone here to act like people from your home country then no it isn’t

  5. Graduating from a university located here doesn’t by default give you an opportunity for a work visa.

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