Need help from ALTs

Hey everyone!

I am nearing the end of my degree at University and I plan to enter the field of teaching as an ALT in Japan. I am currently completing my dissertation and I would like to kindly ask those of you that are either currently ALTing in Japan or those of you that have previous experience to fill out my survey. It would take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and would be extremely beneficial to my study. I understand this is a big ask but it would be appreciated if you take the time to do this. 🙂

The link is below and it will explain all the information regarding my research. Also, there will be contact details on there too in case you have any queries.


For admins – If this is not allowed please just remove the post.



Edit: Link removed so I become my analysis! Thank you for all the responses.

  1. Just did it, hopefully my responses weren’t so negative but there was good and bad. Best of luck with this.

  2. Just filled it out. Couldn’t answer the last question but did my best to answer the rest. Hope it’s useful.

  3. “It would take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete”

    Well there you go. Obviously they’re looking for current ALTs.

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