Mold on my books

Hi there

I live in a concrete manshion, 2nd floor, in a angle room facing East and North.

For more than one year I had to throw away dozens of books because of mold. I really do not know how to avoir it. It happens with new books too. Without AC indoor humidity is higher than 70% during all summer and nothing can be done about that. There was also mold on my Switch dock which is made in plastic!

I have never had this issue in previous appartments and in Europe where I am from.

What is your strategy to keep your bookshelf ok? Would it be better to store all my books in pastic boxes with moisture absorber?

  1. Buy dehumidifiers. They are little plastic containers that you pull the lid off of and then they suck the moisture out of the air. After a month or so you need to replace them.

    You find them in almost every supermarket and in every drug store. They’re not expensive. Usually come in a pack of three. Buy loads and spread them around your apartment, also in cupboards and closets. Behind your books on the shelf. Etc.

  2. You have to carry them out in stacks every morning and spread them out. Search YouTube for “shenmue 2 airing out the books” for the technique.

  3. Buy a high capacity dehumidifier. Mold is a common problem in Japan, especially in the summer when the humidity is high.

  4. You should move to a room that isn’t that humid- that has more air circulation.

    In the mean time you should get a dehumidifier. It should be running 24/7 and should deposit the water in your sink or to a drain.

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