Do I take N2 or N3?

I’m thinking I should get the N2 because of my performance in the sample test questions from their [site]( It says it comes from the “New Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Sample Questions” (published 2009). I’m guessing number 1-16 is the Language knowledge part, 17-31 is the reading part, and the last 5 are the listening problems. I got 15/16 in language knowledge, 11/15 in reading, and 4/5 in listening. Overall, 30/36. Looking at the mimimum scores to pass in the JLPT site, this looks pretty good.

Despite reading many visual novels, my worst one is the reading part. I spent a lot of time reading the texts and had a hard time analyzing most of them. I spent **1-2 hours on the whole set of practice questions** and I know that’s bad since the test only gives you 1 hour 40 minutes for the language knowledge and reading. Language knowledge was okay with some difficulty and I had 1 or 2 problems that were difficult in the listening part. I honestly thought the listening part would be harder though. They were talking like how anime people talked compared to the fast, almost incomprehensible speech by real people.

I’m worried though that this won’t be accurate in measuring my skill. Plus I’m worried about the time I spent and the reading section. I could use other tests but I’m running out of time because tomorrow is the deadline for application.

  1. The reading speed and understanding is a massive element of passing the test and n2 is a big gap from n3. You should read lots of news and social science style essays. Get the book read real Japanese essays to get exposed to some different writing styles topics and themes to help you.

    Also get a book with real practice tests and do them with real timing. This will help with the actual test strategy as slow means fail

  2. If you have any professional reasons for taking the JLPT, I would encourage you to take N2. If you fail – no biggie, but if you pass, it‘ll look great on your resumé (compared to N3 that no one cares for)
    If you are doing it solely for personal reasons, I would say it‘s entirely up to you. Would failing N2 destroy your study motivation? If so, it might be better to aim for a good score on N3 instead. But if trying for N2 will motivate you to study, then go for N2.
    Personally I would choose N2

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