I lost interest learning Japanese because of a few things: How do I overcome these?

Abour 2 years ago, I got interested in learning Japanese. I was so inspired and studied for about 6 months. I was using Bunpo as my main application and a bit of books, quite some reading on reddit for a few tips and advices, and a couple of youtube videos.

I got to the point when I can read a kindergarten-level phrase. I was so happy when I got it. However, I instantly lost inspiration when **I couldn’t understand what it means**.

I realized that not only I have to learn the alphabet, language, grammar, and stuff like those, but I also have to translate those things I’m reading so I could understand it, and once I realized that, I got discouraged because I was frustrated that I couldn’t understand anything.

I’m thinking of getting back on learning and I’m willing to start over again. But how do I overcome the problem of “translating the text”? Any advices regarding that? ;-;

The thing that frustrated me the most is that I don’t know how to learn or what resources that could help me learn in order to understand the text I’m reading.

> About me: I’m a Bilingual. Fluent in both languages, but better at English. One thing I noticed when I’m reading is that I don’t really “translate” the text into the language I understand. I just read it, and instantly understand it. How do I transfer this skill when I’m learning Japanese/Nihonggo?

  1. Use pictures, draw pictures, etc. works well for me to attach things to a concept. I also prefer using a textbook where I’m mostly working in Japanese. Too much translation based practice reinforces translating sadly.

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