Is there a community driven Anki deck library of shows and anime or a reasonable way to create one if not?

I’m talking about something similar to animecards, but maybe without photos and maybe entire sentence audio files since they tend to make the decks absurdly large and actually separating the vocabulary since for a large portion of the language learning process, sentences will often have multiple words available

For example: It would be nice to have a place where all words in an anime episode are compiled into a list, then run through a dictionary and audio added for the individual words in dictionary form (in the case of verbs for example). This would help solve the issue of finding interesting and comprehensible input, provided you are willing to study any unfamiliar grammar separately, as that would be far more difficult and time consuming to include.

Alternatively, we could contribute to a shared library of decks. An example of this would be using yomichan+ankiconnect to create vocab cards containing a set amount of fields at a minimum that cover the important info such as word in English and Japanese, context it was found in ( with a keyword in parenthesis like this), audio, etc. with example sentences likely just being the ones that the word was found in. Creating a deck for a single episode covering all of the individual unique words (put only in dictionary form) would certainly be a bit of an upfront time investment resulting in likely high hundreds or even 1k+ words for the earlier episodes, reducing as the show progresses. However, with enough people making these, it could result in a net reduction in time spent mining cards in shows many of us watch and mine from. Maybe it could even have a system where you have to contribute to take in some ratio, so that it doesn’t become just a few doing all of the work.

As for the actual studying of the deck, naturally you could simply suspend words you already know as you come to them when studying. Eventually, you might get to a point where so few words are unfamiliar in a show that to justify the time spent making a whole deck just for yourself would be difficult, but I think that the amount done by a single person over the course of say 12 episodes would plenty of contribution.

Those are just some quick examples of what alternative I could see if something similar doesn’t exist. What do you guys think?

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