Hot Cheetos in Tokyo??

Super random question, but where can i buy hot cheetos in Tokyo (hopefully excluding amazon)?? Ive been living in Japan for over a decade or so but I always have a few cravings each year… and finally decided to do something about it today.

Edit: Damn who hurt yall why are yall so angry?? It was a simple question, not trying to anger anyone here.
Also I’m apprehensive of amazon not because of the price, but because all my experiences with imported snacks havent been all that great. (e.g. soggy chips, broken seals, etc.)

  1. Sounds like something easily found on a base. Drop the superiority complex and make some new friends!

  2. If you want to eat it so much why don’t you just buy it from Amazon? Why does everyone need something SO BADLY but refuse to pay more than what they would back home for an item that is not sold here?

  3. Ah man, I found some in a store in Yokohama Station. It may have been Loft, or at least a store like Loft? It had an American snack section, and it’s the first I’ve ever seen Hot Cheetos here. If you can get to Yokohama, it was on the ground level.

    Sorry, wish I could be of more help!

    Edit: I live on a base, I can be a snack plug when I’m not busy.

  4. The only place I’ve seen the actual Hot Cheetos has been Costco, in combo boxes. So, not ideal.

    Other than that, half the time I get care packages from the family state side they accidentally put them in there and not my beloved Hot Fries lol
    Not sure if you had them in your original area but it was kinda like the whole pirates vs ninjas thing some 18 years ago – hot fries vs hot cheetos.

    Good luck with your snack search!

  5. I don’t know if you have Supercenter Musashi but they added an international food section and the jalapeño cheetos were awesome

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