Do you buy English books off Mercari?

I’ve been buying a while on Mercari, just started selling. I have a lot of English books I want to get rid of. The bar code scanner on Mercari doesn’t work with English books and I’ve noticed when Japanese people list them the only thing they put in the title is 洋書です. I don’t think they realise there are other apps that can pull the info for non-Japanese books…
Is this a ridiculous gap in the market or is there a reason no one sells English books on there? I know Mercari interface is Japanese but would you buy from a seller with English titles, descriptions etc. that you can message in English?

  1. I’ve had what I assumed to be gaijin sellers (full English product descriptions) message me in English and have bought English books/DVDs from them.

  2. I’ve bought English books off Mercari before, sure

    But I go “stealth gaijin mode” even if I suspect the seller is not Japanese.

    Some sellers get “nervous” dealing with non-Japanese, since we apparently can’t understand Japanese business etiquette.
    (Half joking / half serious… it’s kinda true sometimes)

    I’d say go for it!

  3. I don’t think there is a particular gap in the market, when looking for English books I want I find I can usually find a listing.

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