I don’t think it’s helping ( I’m a hands on learner )

So I’ve been trying to learn Japanese for about 2 months ( I’ve gotten the hang of hirgana and katakana ) I’ve been struggling to understand kaji and it’s make up. Tried the N1but nothing sticks with me is it because I’m learning it by myself. Any tips or recommendations ? Thanks in advance

  1. You’ll want to start with N5, not N1, and work your way up.

    With kanji, everybody learns differently, but for me it helps to have some vocabulary at the same time since seeing the kanji in context helps it stick.

  2. Don’t fret too much about kanji. Just learn words and the kanji will come along for the ride. Kanji don’t always have logical or consistent constructions (unless you also want to delve into ancient Japanese/Chinese history), so quit looking for some master plan – it doesn’t exist.

    Here’s some [recommendations](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/s5mtva/comment/ht1lo0x/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I offer to beginners.

  3. Can you share what gave you the idea to try N1?

    If you don’t want to learn by yourself, you can

    a) hire a tutor

    b) take a class

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