Bi-Weekly Boss Premium Edition Questions Thread – 21 September 2022

As per usual, feel free to ask any silly stupid questions or not so silly stupid questions that you haven’t had a chance to ask here. Be kind to those that do and try to answer without downvoting. Please keep criticism and snide remarks out of the thread.

  1. Who are the ladies that stand outside of Hello Work? They are in nice business attire and carry clip boards with paperwork on them. Never seen them talk to anyone. Always stand across the street facing the building.

    Union reps? Recruiters? Cult?

  2. Is melatonin for kids a thing here? My kid (3 yrs old ) hasn’t been going to sleep until 11:30pm-12:00am lately so I’ve been exhausted. When I talk to my American and Aussie pals they all tell me they give their kid’s melatonin which is provided by their doctor.
    Any tricks to get their kid to go to sleep earlier ……?

  3. I know where to buy anime character goods (Animate, Lashinbang, Radio Kaikan, etc etc.) but where can I find game character items?

    I’m specifically looking for Kirby items such as plushies, small keychains etc. anything really. Would I find things like this in the above mentioned stores as well? Or do you have other/better recommendations ? I’m fine with buying second-hand items. I live in Tokyo.

    So far I’ve only found Kirby stuff at Yodobashi camera in the games section (Akihabara), a Kirby pop-up shop at Akiba station and at village vanguard. Thanks !

  4. Not sure if it’s widespread, but in Shinagawa Tokyo, I’ve noticed recent roadwork has been laying a different type of asphalt that looks like standard black asphalt with large beige mud stains splattered about. This isn’t mud or sand but part of the road and it’s pretty unattractive.

    Anyone know what and why this is?

  5. I’m heading back to Australia in December, and a few years ago, when we went on our honeymoon I signed up for the automatic immigration gates at Haneda … but I vaguely remember the guy telling me I’d need to sign up each time I needed to use the gate, while my wife (Japanese national) could use the same registration until her passport expires.

    So my question is, am I remembering correctly that I would need to register again, or at least get a new QR code, if I wanted to use the gates when heading back to Australia this year? Or am I just imagining shit?

  6. I have a fulltime job (seishain) that’s fine with me having other jobs and currently handles my taxes. If I start my own kojinjigyou, I will be doing the blue form. Do I need to tell my company not to do my taxes? Do I file a separate return or amended return after? How does/should it work?


  7. Any nursing mother here flown overseas via JAL airlines? Trying to find out if they allow nursing on the plane. I would be using a nursing cover of course.

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