Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (September 21, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Not really a Japanese question per se, but related to it. How do I stop the Microsoft IME from deleting what I just wrote ?

    Usually I would write something, the IME gives me a bunch of suggestions,and then I would select whatever I want and continue. But sometimes because of whatever reason I might want to alt-tab out of the window before I am done writing, and when I come back I find out that everything I wrote was erased because I tabbed out before confirming one of the available suggestions.

  2. possibly a dumb question, but this is a frequent problem I’m seeing. How often (if ever) does something like そういう reference something from earlier in the same sentence? At least a few times a day, I run into trouble understanding a sentence because the referant wrong. An example (MC is considering a friend who feels like she’s being watched):

    > じゃあ、…俺も誰かに監視されている…?

    > だが…不思議と今日までそう感じることはなかった。


    Now, I can flip the VN to English which cued me that obviously “そういう印象” refers to the strange feeling of being watched. But before that, my mind instantly assigned 「自らが元凶であり」to そういう印象 which doesn’t make much sense. And I find myself frequently doing this, assigning the first part of the sentence to a pronoun in the second half.

    I ask this because hopefully I’m missing something obvious. I’m at a weird point where I can’t really read fluently, but my failures to understand usually isn’t misunderstanding individual grammatical parts or word in a sentence, it’s parsing issues. But like, I feel like I have a *lot* of parsing issues (and it shouldn’t be reading skills in general, my English reading level is above average at least so it’s not like I literally don’t know how to follow a train of thought. I’m also just talking about reading basic slice of life and the higurashi VN I’m in the middle of)

  3. If I wanted to learn to talk like a Yakuza, where should I start?

    I have no practical use for it, I just think it would be funny. From what I understand Hiroshima-ben goes a long way for sounding like a Yakuza. I’m already translating a bunch of movies.

  4. Started a voice diary for Japanese just now (to train my speech speed, confidence when talking, both of which are genuinely terrible), and wanted to make a quick note that the previous entry was my first:

    > もう一つの日記は一番のボイス日記でした。

    I said this, having only looked up “もう一つ” because I couldn’t recall how to say “other”, and with the lack of people to ask I wrote this in DeepL, which translated it as “The other diary was the most voice diary.” Did something go wrong on DeepL’s end or/and my own here?

  5. I was wondering about this:

    > カズヤ自身でもそうだなと思ってしまう。

    For context, カズヤ is a bit of a ドジ and I think this sentence is just the narrator saying that even カズヤ himself feels like a worthless person.

    But I was wondering what it isn’t: カズヤ自身でもそうだと思ってしまう。 Where does the な come from in this sentence?

  6. 11月3日金曜日人本の高校生が本校を訪問することになっています
    why is naru the choice of verb here instead of something like いく?
    -additionally whats the difference between 本校 and 学校

    thank you.

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