Clothing store recommendations?

I (21 m) just arrived in Tokyo, Shibuya as a University exchange student. I don’t know anything about the clothing brands here and I’m looking to buy some cheap clothing. However, I still want to look stylish. So does anyone know any stores which are not too expensive but also won’t make me look poor/trampy? I’d prefer to try things on in person but I’d consider online shops too. Thank you!

  1. Uniqlo is probably the best.
    Around 1,000 ~ 2,000 for a shirt/pants.

    Want cheaper?
    Shimamura, Mercari…
    Around 500 ~

  2. Uniqlo, especially when they have some limited-time collaborations with famous designers. I like their +J series.

    Zozotown’s good option too

  3. Uniqlo and GU. Those are cheap and 90% of japanese people buy there so it’s the stuff you are gonna see constantly in the street.

    Though their jeans are total shit, I always have to throw them away after 3 months so I wait till their old designs go on sale for like a 1000 yen

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