Opposite sex is not allowed into dormitory

How common is this? I am a 23 years old graduate student living in a Japanese dormitory. There are so many ridiculous rules here I don’t even know where to begin. Alcohol is not allowed. I can only invite friends in during certain hours of the day and any female friends are not even allowed to enter the building. I understand some first years are underage but I have been to guesthouses that are less strict than this.

  1. Yeah, it’s not uncommon. Drink in izakaya and chill with your female friends in cafes. Or love hotels, if they’re that kinda friend.

  2. Well is someone there checking? When I was at uni we just snuck in when the front desk was unstaffed. Don’t ask don’t tell

  3. I would say it applies for all Japanese dormitories. My dorm manager will patrol the corridors every 9pm. It feels like prison break. Well, you can invite your opposite friend to your room after 11pm when the dorm manager went home.

    If the friend you invite is not a resident of the dorm and like to stay over for a night, same thing. Only come in after 11pm when the dorm manager is gone. Leave before the dorm manager reports for duty so out by 6:30am.

    You can drink, sort of. Just don’t throw alcohol stuff into the dorm’s dustbins. Always throw it outside. Or you can just squat outside by the dorm and drink.

    In a word, don’t get caught.

  4. There were single sex dorms when I was in college. Admittedly only 3 of them, but, they existed.

  5. Like an actual Dormitory?
    So you live on campus or something?
    In that case, not surprised.

    If not,
    1. Sucks
    2. Change house
    3. Should’ve done your research

  6. Local uni students go hang out in front of conbinis and at the 24hr Aeon. If your university has a commons building it’s an option.

  7. Waaat? In my university in a very conservative countryside city, both the international and the Japanese dorms were mixed (individual rooms, of course), we had parties almost every month with alcohol and music until morning, and nobody ever checked if any outside guest spent the night in someone’s room.

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