Thoughts on Torii SRS’ vocabulary quality?

Hello everyone,

I heard that the Core 10k anki decks’ vocabulary tend to be of lower quality, especially past the 6k words mark. Apparently, the definitions are often wrong, the audio is lacking and the images can be misleading.

Since I REALLY want to use a premade deck with 10k words, I was wondering about Torii SRS. Are the definitions of Torii’s vocabulary correct? Is the quality better than Core 10k or is it the same thing?

Thank you

  1. I just looked at the site and it literally is core 10k, the same definitions and example sentences lmao. But anyway, like everyone says, core10k is a bad idea. Don’t do it.

    It’s not even that core 10k’s definitions are bad, it’s just that less common words are harder to give one precise english definition for.

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