Have you seen ‘Long Vacation ‘ ? ( ロングバケーション見たことある ⁇)

Have you seen ‘Long Vacation ‘ ? ( ロングバケーション見たことある ⁇)

  1. Tim Rogers mentioned this in his ときめき video. Loved it. Just wish I could’ve found better quality than what’s on YouTube. Still, glad I had access to it.

  2. One of the best series I have ever seen. The way it started, ended, and everything in between was quite literally awesome.

  3. I love this drama. Sometimes I just rewatch it (seen it at least 4 times; which they say repetition is good for language learning so). It’s a feel good show for me.

  4. OMG so 懐かしい!!!! This was a BIG hit growing up in Japan and everyone was obsessed!!! I was in MS or HS, I don’t remember, it was so long ago 🤣 How are you watching this? YouTube?? I’d love to rewatch it. If you haven’t seen it, highly recommend it, it’s a classic!!!

  5. Generally speaking, where do you find Japanese TV shows? I know where to find anime easily but that’s pretty much the only thing I know how.

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このアプリの使い方とか楽しみ方とか全くわかってないけど、たまたまリンクを見かけたのでインストールしてみた。 最初なので母国語である日本語で書いてみる。 日本人はいるのかな? by keisukevision