What are some good English study tools for preparing for the JLPT?

I’m signed up for JLPT N3 this December, and I’m trying to prepare. I got the complete Kanzen Master set because I’d heard good things, but it’s completely in Japanese. I mean, of course it is. And I definitely would benefit greatly from going through it and checking everything I don’t understand. It’s just that feels very slow and inefficient, and I feel that I learn better when the target Japanese subject matter is supplemented with English explanations that I don’t have to worry I might be misunderstanding.

So, what are some good English-language preparatory materials for the JLPT?

1 comment
  1. Wanikani for kanji and a whole bunch of vocab plus genki 1, 2 (to set a good n4 base) and then any of the n3 textbooks (personally I recommend Quartet I) for grammar. Only issue would be listening but what I did to study that was listening to the Quartet I text read out to me several times to school my hearing.

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