Should I stick with Core 2k?

I have been immersing through anime and manga and I’ve been wondering if I should stop doing Core 2k and instead start vocab mining.

I’ve been doing the Core 2k v3 Anki Deck for a few months and am about 1k cards through it. I’ve also been doing Wanikani for around a year and am able to recognize more than 1k Kanji. I’ve tried reading Tae Kim and Genki, but wasn’t able to stay interested. I watched some of Cure Dolly’s videos, but my grammar is still behind my Kanji and Vocab. Any recommendations on anything else are appreciated.

  1. You can stop if you want but you’ll see all 1k of those remaining words pretty soon, so it might be worth it to finish it, or you might remember it better if you mine them yourself, up to you. But I’d definitely recommend finishing up on basic grammar asap

  2. You can start vocab mining if you want to, but the words in the core 2k are so common you will see them in pretty much every book you read. Of course that means that if you were to vocab mine then you’ll be mining them soon enough as well. Using the deck just means you don’t make the cards.

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