The correct use of o nozomu (を望む)?

Hello there! I am having some doubts on the correct use of o nozomu (を望む) in phrases with sense.

This is the context:

I was reading a Kawabata Yasunari biography and it appeared in a photo the following quote: 長谷を望む (Overlooking Hase)
But… when I use を望む without referring to a city or a place it means “hope for” “desire” “wish” etc…

So my doubt is: whenever I use a city (for example: 青森 Aomori) plus “o nozomu” (青森 + を望む) will mean (always??) “overlooking Aomori”, and so on with all the cities, places, perfectures, etc… right?

Am I getting confused with use? Can I use it in other context?

1 comment
  1. It’s a different word, or at least you use a different kanji for it in that sense. Look up 臨む

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