Any Experience with Kaufmann the Language Guy? I’m Suspicious.

Is this program for real?

Went to the website , followed directions to “Enter your mail to receive your 1st free lesson!” Did so. Then, “Okay, Done!”

\-Checks email- Message says “Alright! Success! You are eligible to win a free BBQ grill!” (No lesson or link to lesson anywhere).

Incidentally, checking the origin of the email reveals it is not from this guys website or company. Its from a data-compiling service (tweetset.library.gwu something-something).

  1. WHOOPS!!

    Yeah one of the first rules of the internet is don’t go clicking on random links that pop up in your google searches.

    If it’s not a site that you see frequently recommended and is pushed as a reputable source… then you’re likely to get your credit card info stolen.

    🙂 Remember kids, over the internet, anyone can pretend to be anyone.

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