Bought 3 japanese mangas with only 3 months of learning Japanese. My awful experience that turned out to be not so awful

So basically what’s in the title. I know what you’re all gonna think/say, “why the fuck did you think it was a good idea to buy full japanese manga if you don’t even know the most basic stuff?”, and i agree. At first i thought, \_how hard can it be, after all, it has furigana on all kanjis, shouldn’t be that difficult\_. Well, needless to say, i was wrong.

Started learning japanese on mid-June. At first i was REALLY into it, like, 4hs a day. It was, and still is, very fun but this was on winter holidays and weeks later i had to lower down my hours of study because of uni. Started doing a lesson of MNN every 2 weeks, until i got to lesson 6 and thought it was a good idea to buy some japanese manga (because… what could possibly go wrong?)

I bought 古見さんは、コミュ症です because i had really enjoyed the anime, which is weird of me since i am not into anime that much, but it seems to be that i am a sucker for rom-coms and slices of life. I really wanted to know how the story continued so i ordered the 10th volume from [](

I never thought that reading through the manga would be easy, but surely i didn’t think it was going to be THAT difficult. The best way to describe it is, it feels like when you see in movies or tv shows, someone who’s doing rehab because of a large coma and has to learn how to walk again, and is sweating his ass off just by walking 5 meters. It would approximately take me about 20-30 minutes just to read a single page, i had to look up every single word on the dictionary, I would get a headache just by reading 2 pages.

I got frustrated so i left it for a couple of weeks, on top of that, i’m learning French and i prioritized that because i am on a sort of a deadline (have to pass the B2 Exam). Because of this, i decided to stop with MNN for a while (planning to finish it in a couple of months), and focus at least on kanjis, so i started using Wanikani, which, at first, i really wasn’t sure about because all its mnemonics are thought for english native speakers (i am spanish native speaker) and they just wouldn’t stick in my head when i tried them when learning Hiragana, but hell, i was wrong. I don’t know what it is but i already memorized about 200+ kanji with its most used readings, and a lot of useful vocabulary (outside of Wanikani).

Because of this i decided to give the manga another try, and i know that 200 kanjis isn’t a lot, and i know that 3 months of japanese study is literally nothing, but i don’t know if it was because of the “placebo” effect of thinking that i now know more than before or what, but i now can somehow read maybe 10-15 pages in an hour and understand the general idea, depending on the dictionary, of course, but still, it isn’t nearly as frustrating as it was before, on the contrary, i can’t describe how good the feeling of reading a character that months before you just saw as a doodle and now say \_i can really understand what this means and make sense of it\_ is

Anyway, that’s the whole story. Sorry if it bored you or if you just thought throughout this entire post \_aw this douche wants to read manga with just 3 months of japanese who the hell does he think he is\_ but i wanted to share my experience on this topic.

I don’t know if my method of learning is good or not, i don’t know if i should be learning kanjis with 3 months in, but i don’t really care tbh, i just really enjoy learning this language and honestly it is a ton of fun.

  1. If the method works for you, albeit somewhat unconventional, you should continue! And I encouraged you to check out other media, like visual novel, light novel and novels (literature) to see what Japanese has to offer.

  2. my method for reading mangas on my android phone is

    read them on tachiyomi app, if i have a word to look up i take a screenshot. Then i open the google lens app as an ocr to copy the word i need to look up. Then i open a browser to look it up on . I also have an english version i read to double check on.

    I feel like the faster you can look up words the faster you will learn and the more enjoyable it is. If you start reading manga with out furigana, looking up words might become a pain

  3. I had the same experience as you. Bought チェンソマン within my first week of starting learning japanese. Couldn’t even read the first page without dying, then I slept on it for a while until I learned more. Around 2 months in I was getting through it slowly. After around 5 months, I could read it comfortable, even if I’m still looking up a number of stuff. I read through the second 極主夫道 volume in one go just a month back.

    I think without getting the チェンソマン volume, I wouldn’t have gone this far with Japanese. The most important thing is just to enjoy the process.

  4. I think it wasn’t a bad idea. I mean it kinda gave you a feeling of accomplishment I think because you could notice your improvement and maybe gave you a goal. Personally these things motivate me even more. Like noticing that I’ve actually got better and stuff. I use wanikani too as a non native and it’s kinda difficult when I have to learn the Japanese meaning and the English lmao. That happens only rarely luckily with words like manure or boisterous that I’ve never seen before.

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